My Inspired Year 

Weekly Planner PLUS


The principles in My Inspired Year Weekly Planner can help you use the power of habit to finally build the life you've always wanted. The Mini-Course gives you extra tips for making it happen. Get it now

Easy to Use

While My Weekly Planner is self-explanatory, the Mini-Course is there to give you extra tips in how to really make it work to transform your life.


With My Inspired Year Weekly Planner, you decide what areas of your life you want to track and improve upon. How you use it is up to you.


The tools and instructions in MIY are based on sound psychological principles. Plus, you'll receive emails from me to cheer you on as you work toward your better life.

MIY will help you...

Ask yourself...

What would happen if you finally got clear on exactly what you hoped to accomplish with your life?


What habits would you need to culitvate in order to really achieve your goals?

Break it down...

What action steps will take you to where you want to be one year from now?

About My Inspired Year

How to use Principles from My Inspired Year Planner to have your Best Year Ever

My Inspired Year Weekly Planner is not just for planning your life. It is also for improving your life. To do that, ways to make your life better are built right into My Inspired Year planner.

There are places to track your goals, help you develop habits to improve your life, and just keep track of those everyday things that we all need a planner for.

The Mini-Course shows you how to take advantage of all the great features of My Inspired Year.

Get it now

Here are Your Steps to a Better Life...

My Inspired Year Planner


Doing the Mental Work in Order to Succeed

Use My Inspired Year to Track Your Goals

What are Your Goals?

About The Instructor


"My purpose at HomeFreeMedia is to provide you with the inspiration and tools you need to accomplish your goals in life.

I want to inspire you and equip you through my God-given gifts of Creativity, Courage, and Compassion."

Norma has been teaching "forever" and has been earning money online since 1997, producing and publishing educational curriculum.

Norma Allen Esler

Start working toward

your better life today!

Use the power of habit to accomplish the things you dream about. The tools in My Inspired Year will show you how to achieve your goals through steady determination and by tracking your progress each week.

Get My Inspired Year

Weekly Planner and Mini-Course

Get the Mini-Course and the Weekly Planner together for FREE!


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